Posts in Press Release

Intervista ad Oberlunar su Morgan

Marco Castoldi in arte Morgan in una video intervista ad Oberlunar.

Milano, Italia, 30 gen 2022– Nel cuore pulsante del panorama musicale e artistico, Radio Stay Rock ha[…]

From Contrapunctus XIII of J.S.Bach - Oberlunar

[Music Video] From Contrapunctus XIII of J. S. Bach

[ENG] The music was created by artificial intelligence which, instead of simulating Bach, deconstructed and unlearned it[…]

Destructured Bach

[Album] Destructured Bach

Una anteprima per chi mi segue sui social… oggi è uscito su Spotify e Apple Music: “Destructured[…]

Francis Oberlunar

Enrico Losito intervista Francis Oberlunar su Radiocapodistria.

Francis Oberlunar è stato ospite di SonoricaMente 2.0 trasmissione di Radio Capodistria. Intervista di Enrico Losito in[…]

Oberlunar transformed by an IA

Esperimenti visuali molto strani con Intelligenza Artificiale

In un giorno come tanti ho stimato la profondità di alcune immagini tramite due reti neurali (intelligenze[…]

Scientific committee of AI-ISIA – UniFi (IT)

Oberlunar is part of the AI-ISIA – University of Florence (Italy) scientific committee. From this year he[…]

[Music Video] “They never come back” featured on

Here what they say about me and the new music video “They never come back” on Muzique[…]


Oberlunar is in the ranking of the “top experimental piano artists” of

It didn’t happen that long ago. I received an email recommending me to google “top experimental piano[…]

Francis Oberlunar

Oberlunar interview August 2020

Interview with Francis Oberlunar made on 21 August 2020 on a well-known Italian music magazine. It is[…]