Posts by Oberlunar

Bianca Brownies

Bianca Brownies recomposes in English Oberlunar’s Dancing Shadows

Dancing Shadows by Oberlunar (Translated by Bianca Brownies) Here I am, I existLike a journey through the[…]

Francis Oberlunar

Enrico Losito intervista Francis Oberlunar su Radiocapodistria.

Francis Oberlunar è stato ospite di SonoricaMente 2.0 trasmissione di Radio Capodistria. Intervista di Enrico Losito in[…]

Oberlunar transformed by an IA

Esperimenti visuali molto strani con Intelligenza Artificiale

In un giorno come tanti ho stimato la profondità di alcune immagini tramite due reti neurali (intelligenze[…]

oberlunar obernauta

Dancing shadows – Video preview

Ciao questa è l’anteprima del video per il mio brano dancing shadows. È un regalo per chi[…]

Scientific committee of AI-ISIA – UniFi (IT)

Oberlunar is part of the AI-ISIA – University of Florence (Italy) scientific committee. From this year he[…]

oberlunar ai nft

Non-Fungible Token – Artificial Intelligence Bones Of Oberlunar (NFT-AIBOO)

AI Piano Bones of Oberlunar is the first collection of skeleton MIDI file output from neural networks,[…]

[Music Video] “They never come back” featured on

Here what they say about me and the new music video “They never come back” on Muzique[…]


Oberlunar is in the ranking of the “top experimental piano artists” of

It didn’t happen that long ago. I received an email recommending me to google “top experimental piano[…]

Francis Oberlunar

Oberlunar interview August 2020

Interview with Francis Oberlunar made on 21 August 2020 on a well-known Italian music magazine. It is[…]


Adhal – Oberlunar (AI Music Album 2020)

Adahal: Musica e Intelligenza Artificiale – Recensione di Benjamin T.Steed “Adhal” è una novità assoluta nel campo[…]